Sunday, April 4, 2010

In The Pipeline:Prometheus:God Of Fire:Don Carlos

Alright, last week I've learnt a lesson. Never leave your laptop near the ledge of a table so that it could be easily kicked off by a sleeping family member. My laptop survived the fall fine, but because the HDD was being used during the fall all its data go erased.Along with many many years of personal accumulated data all my pictures that I was saving to do future reviews were lost, in a nut shell they were "In The Pipeline". Well my favorite part of the reviews I do are the pictures, the unique long ashes that I try to capture are kinda of my niche in this Cigar Blogging World we live in. But Since I don't wanna see the cigars I smoked and reviewed go to waste, I will post short summaries of the cigars. Cigar Afficianato style, sans pictures:

Prometheus:God Of Fire:Don Carlos:Robusto:2005

This cigar is very Iconic to me. Ever since I started getting into cigar this stick was sort of a Holy Grail to me, and I was very lucky to get to smoke one. The band on this stick is just outstanding, and the wrapper only adds to the icon of the cigar. The wrapper has aged perfectly and is silky smooth to the touch and the slight sweet wheat aroma is interesting. The foot had a great smell of sweat honey,chocolate,and earth. This cigar just had a bouquet of flavors, the first initial puffs were just a pure silky smooth chocolate with no spice. The smoke felt so soft in the palate it felt as if it could be inhaled.Towards the middle of the smoke though the lack of spice was missed. The cigar felt like it needed something to chug it along, during this point the cigar could of had more volume of smoke. In the palate the smoke just felt slightly puffy, and the flavors were lack luster do to it. The ash help up well and the burn line was solid. Towards the nub of the cigar the spice picked up and the flavors got more creamier with slight hints of a herbal honey and star anise, this was a treat of a cigar, Rating-93

I have plenty more of reviews that I can do in such a format. If you guys are interested leave me some feedback and comments. What do you guys think of this short format?